Notify: Native PHP Demo

Purge all notifications.

What Is Notify?

It's a Bootstrap-based notification system for your website. Just that.

How Do I Use It?

    "jeykeu/notify" : "master-dev"
Then in your main php:
include 'vendor/composer/autoload.php';

But How Exactly?

// Instantiate
$myNotify = new \JeyKeu\Notify\Notify();

 * $handle:          handle, slug, name, ID or whatever you wish to call it.
 * $viewData:        Text or view template 
 * $type:            success | info | warning | danger
 * $isVolatile       true | false(default) - Notifications are not persisted if true. 
 * $isDissmissable   true(default) | false - If true notifications can be closed.
 * $excludePages     An array of pages to exclude from displaying any notification.
 *                   An empty array by default
 * $notify->add($handle, $viewData, $type, $isVolatile, $isDissmissable, $excludePages);

// Create
$notify->add('some-notify', 'Content of the notification', 'alert', false, true, array());

// Display
// Call render to display the notification(s);
echo $notify->render();

// Destroy

//Destroy All